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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Warming up the Semester with Kafein’s Hot Chocolate

Okay so I'm back after a hiatus filled with reading, eating, and even some writing (of the creative, non-bloggy sort). I realize I'm actually pretty backed up on posting my articles from The Concordian, so I'll be posting those over the next few days.

Some of the pictures really didn't turn out, so they won't be as pretty to look at. But this one has a delightful photo of frothy hot cocoa...mmm, don't you want to read this post to find out where it's from?

Sure we’re having a warm spell, but on these damp and drafty January days, what’s better than to curl up with some cocoa? And, more importantly, where’s the best place for a cozy mug or two?

In terms of proximity, Kafein is hard to beat. A mere stone’s throw from the SGW campus, this favourite student sanctuary is right across from the library building on Bishop, between de Maisonneuve and St. Cath’s.

Kafein's original hot chocolate blend
(photo by Andrea Sun)

Kafein is of course known to Concordians as a place to jack up on caffeine between classes, but the hot chocolate is more than worth some consideration. It may not come in the gourmet range of flavours offered at other cafés, but its modest choice between hazelnut, caramel, and good ol’ fashioned is plenty.

After ordering, there’s time to admire the décor. Upstairs is a spread of café tables and chairs, excellent for anything between a quick chat with friends or a study cram. Downstairs is more of a bar-like lounge setup where red walls and crushed velvet chairs allow a more relaxed or intimate place to laze.

The hot chocolate itself is served in a fat glass with cocoa powdered on top. It’s not so much hot as it is warm, and it has a vaguely granular texture, but it tastes homemade. The caramel is disappointing in that it doesn’t taste like caramel, but the hazelnut is indeed quite nutty. Surprisingly the best is the regular cocoa, which unlike the others seems to be made with a dark chocolate base. Its thick, soul-warming richness puts it above the rest.

For the fair price of $3.75 (including tax) per glass, there’s no excuse not to go. Winter’s never been more bearable.

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