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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tuna Cakes

Around the end of school I was busting my brain trying to figure out how to give said brain an appropriate amount of power boosting so I could finish my essays and whatnot (illegal narcotics are so 20th century...). Eating fish is, of course, the universal go-to brain food, but there's only so many sardines and tuna sandwiches I can eat before I start looking at the frozen pizza boxes. Still, I had a shit ton of tuna cans in the pantry and figured I'd just try and experiment a little bit.

I found this recipe for tuna cakes in an old book of my mother's, so I guess it wasn't really experimenting all on my part, but I decided to try it out and it was a huge success in my mind. I've made this twice so far. It's great for 2-3 people, or 1 person if you do a half-recipe. It's awesome for end of school because it's super easy and it's almost guaranteed that you'll have all the ingredients in the house already.

- 1 can of tuna
- 4 slices of bread, cubed (preferably white and malleable)
- 2 eggs
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- salt and pepper to taste

1. Whisk the egg beforehand, but only until slightly frothy.
2. Mix tuna and onion with egg, and add salt and pepper if desired.
3. Add bread. I use my hands to really mash it all together.
4. Once it's all sticking together pretty well, form small balls that you can then squish flat-ish into patties.
5. On an oiled pan heated to about 4, place the patties.
6. They're ready when they're golden brown. Flip until both sides are golden.

The book says to eat them with mayo, which is definitely flippin delicious, but I've also eaten it with pesto and humus. But then again, I'm kind of weird. I'm pretty sure experimenting with dipping sauces is one of the funnest parts though, so go crazy.

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