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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Chillin'

Went pumpkin picking today! It was quite fun, although it was a sad season for apples so that side of the farm hick experience was a little disappointing. But at least I got my quota of fresh wonderful apples for the year - and some effing delicious apple muffins fresh out of the oven on top of it!

Must say I love October best of all the months. Usually it's when the Indian summer comes around, so the weather is pleasantly crisp verging on the occasional warm, and the sun is still brightly gracing us with its presence before ducking down for a more permanent stay in the Southern hemisphere. Also the trees are just turning red at the tips, so you get that lovely green-yellow-red-orange thing going on with a couple of crispy brown leaves you can kick around and stomp on while on your way to school or work. Plus, best of all, everything is preparing for Halloween and you get the best parties of the year to look forward to at the end of the month.

Oh and I guess Thanksgiving is pretty awesome too. You get amazing food. Pointe finale.

Anyway we got to the farm pretty late in the day so I had to cancel the date I had planned, sadly. Afterward I went to work and within the first 10 minutes of manning the front of the store got told off by some hard-done-by Quebecoise who didn't hear my "Bonjour" half of my standard Indigo greeting ("Bonjour, hi!"). She ranted at me for a good three straight minutes about how you don't hear French in Montreal anymore, and when she comes to Centre-Ville, toute est en anglais tabarnak! (Well she didn't swear at me to be fair, but I was fairly indignant at her lecturing me on my job performance inadequacy when it was a simple misunderstanding). Really, Quebec. Get over yourselves. The rest of the province is yours.

Also, just to randomly add, after work, I was walking down St. Catherine's and saw this guy crossing the street and seriously throw out his ankle. He limped to the side of a building to cling for dear life to its concrete support and alleviate what seemed to be the agony of his injury. As he passed me I asked him if he was alright and offered him some Advil. I felt so bad for him, I figured giving/accepting pharmaceuticals from a complete stranger in this instance would be justified. He happily took two liquigels and went on his hobbling way. So I guess that was my good deed of the day. Unless of course my pills wreck his insides because he has some strange foreign allergy to Western meds.

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