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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Relief

Back at school today. Andrea and I rented a kiosk from school (illegally it turned out, as the woman contacted us after our formerly approved slot of tabletime to say it was under no circumstances possible for us to sell books at that time (, Concordia)). I also finished off all editing for the Rebetika book I'd been working on - it's been sent off to the press to be printed!! So happy and relieved, words can't even cut it.

Anyway, ran around for a while photocopying posters, buying cream puff pastries from Harmonie, hanging up posters, drinking juice, forgetting our original poster in the photocopying machine, returning to pick it up... Eventually we got back to our table, just in time to put everything away with the help of our fellow volunteer who had stayed to guard everything in the meantime.

Before heading off to study, we went to Voyages Campus to see about a trip to Cuba during reading week. We found an excellent one for $640, all inclusive - meaning flight as well as bungalow, food, drinks, disco, and snorkelling. I'm tempted to book it immediately. First we'll see if we can gather up some women to join us and make it even more of a blast.

So then, with spirits high and heads in the sunny Cuban clouds, we went to go study - only to get distracted with thoughts of shopping. I convinced an all-too-eager Andrea to skip her class, and we went to HMV for an hour and a half and eyeball-raped every single individual piece of merchandise. I also convinced her to buy the fourth and fifth seasons of Six Feet Under, because being the good friend I am. We also found the most wonderful thing: the first two seasons of That 70's Show for only $12.99 each. Needless to say, we bought them - one each - in preparation for our weekend in the city (we are hijacking Andrea's friend's apartment while she's away for deviant cooking endeavours and cat-sitting duties).

Yup. Then class, missed bus, went to library, found books, came home, ate late, fell in bed, and talked to my Australian lover for about 2 hours while falling asleep. OH and I also got my USB key in the mail that I'd forgotten at my other Australian friend's house - plus a wonderful note! It made my day, particularly because on my USB key was around 10GB of music that I'd been craving a terrific amount. Lately I've reached that stage where none of the music on your iPod, despite how awesome it is, is in any way aurally appealing. So now I'm looking forward to some good trance music indulgence.

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