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Thursday, September 22, 2011


For some time I've been wanting something living in my room of the horticultural kind, and the other day I found just what I was looking for. I had to go to the Mount Royal area to meet with the graphic designer of the manuscript I'm editing, and they have a really lovely farmer's market just outside the metro. Aside from selling the anticipated assortment of farm-related produce, they have branched out to include exotic plants such as living stones and cacti. I must say, whenever I pass by this market in summer, I always admire their spiny collection of mini cacti because they're all just so damn cute. I never got any though because, well, I either didn't have any money or I didn't like any of them enough or I just couldn't carry around a cactus with me for the rest of the day. In this instance, I had only enough money for lunch/dinner, and I wouldn't be getting home until 9pm, meaning I'd be starving and carrying around a plant that wouldn't hesitate to stab me for the next 8 hours. But I don't know, I saw this cactus and fell in love. I bought it and have no regrets (although I'm still nursing a couple of tender puncture wounds on my hands).

His name is Herbert.


  1. Takes 75 years to grow a side arm.

    With luck, Herbert will grow in time to wave you goodbye! :D

  2. AWW that is both terrifically sweet and so morbid
