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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Can. Lit. Begone!

After much debating, I've decided to drop my Canadian Lit class. It's rather bittersweet - on the pros side of the argument, it's a great teacher, I'd be able to graduate this year instead of taking an extra semester (maybe), and we're studying Scott Pilgrim. But honestly, it's at 10:15 am. Which for most normal people is absolutely fine, but I need to catch an 8 am bus to get there in time and I only get home at a quarter past nine the night before because I have late classes. I am not a morning person. The earliest I can get up without it affecting me, even if I get a solid 8 hours of sleep, is 8 am. Any earlier and I'm not a happy camper. So this, paired with the fact that I'd have a 5 hour break on Tuesdays and Thursdays and absolutely no time to do homework at all by adding a fifth class onto my course load alongside my part time job and internship, made me decide that I'm better off dropping it. As my mother said to me last night when I was whinging about how hard my life is, "If you were to die in five years what would you be doing?" Of course I said I'd drop out and travel and party it up with all the alcohol I could find, but she made a good point. I don't want to stress myself out for no reason. I'll be here for two more years no matter what, so I might as well fill out my time with taking classes this time next year instead of letting my brain rot. It's my last few classes for my BA, I'd rather enjoy them and give my usual 100%. Still, I have the terrible gnawing feeling I might regret this...

In other news:

Headline: Not getting enough sleep makes me so damned unhappy and grumpy. Mental note: sleep.

Upcoming events: Comic con is on Sunday and my internship is giving my friend and I free tickets if we hand out flyers!

Arts and Entertainment: Stars of Track and Field are amazing.

Food: My camera is broken, otherwise I'd have uploaded a picture of the amazing bacon-brie-potato omelette I made for breakfast.

Weather: It's getting colder after that major thunderstorm we had. And now it's doing that thing where it's pissing light rain all day and the clouds hang so low and thick the sky has before entirely white. Balls.

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