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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Turkey Sandwich

My family likes to do things a bit different so rather than ham for our Easter feast this year, we had turkey - which I most definitely am not complaining about. Particularly because of the leftovers involved.

So this sandwich goes for any time wherein there's some leftover turkey in the fridge, and is especially nice when you want to have a hearty lunch and feel like productively procrastinating rather than doing homework or other more important things.

What you need:
- Handful of leftover turkey, fairly large strips
- 2 slices of bread (preferably whole grain or pumpernickel)
- 1 slice swiss cheese
- sprinkling of shredded cheese (I got mine from a bag of premixed but choose according to personal taste)
- tomato, sliced
- avocado, sliced
- red onion, sliced and separated into sections
- about 10-15 spinach leaves
- mayo (I always use regular, but light can substitute)
- dijon mustard
- salt and pepper to taste

1. Toast bread until crisp on outside and soft on inside.
2. Broil cheese on toast, different cheeses on different slices of toast. Take out before browned.
3. Stack in following order so as to avoid contents falling out of sandwich: tomato; salt+pepper; onion; turkey; spread dijon mustard and mayo - enough to give it some flavour but don't overkill; arrange spinach leaves evenly; avocado; salt+pepper again if desired.
4. Seal up that sandwich, cut in half, and lose yourself in sandwich ecstasy.

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